Sunday, December 31, 2017



After the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the out-of-town people who were in Jerusalem for Passover and Pentecost celebrations were running out of money, but wanted to stay, so that they might hear more about the resurrected Christ and learn from the Apostles. The Christians responded by reaching into their own resources to feed and house those Jews who were away from home. It was an important and Herculean ministry, which encountered some logistics and personnel problems (Ac. 6:1). The church needed to address this problem in order to reach the people.

However, the Apostles needed to be preaching and teaching, and therefore they could not take time to "serve tables," though it was a very important service. Instead, they looked for men who were fitted for this work. This required spiritual men, spiritually gifted (Ac. 6:2). This is when "deacons" (helpers) were appointed. Notice that the men chosen were highly esteemed and capable men of the gospel (Ac. 6:3-6). No job in the church should be given to those who are not following Jesus fully. "Serving Tables" in the church is more than just serving tables. But the Apostles needed to focus on preaching the word.

As a result of each one doing what he could, and should and would do, in obedience to God, the church grew (Ac. 6:7). Serving tables in the church is an honor. Today it is almost impossible to get people to do the glamorous jobs. Some pastors have a hard time finding people who will help them publish the Good News; a hard time finding "armor bearers" in the spiritual battle.

A lack of dedicated people today (dedication to God, holiness, service, humility, self denial) explains the lack of growth in the local church. Until we find men who are totally sold out to God in their beliefs, their faith, their worldview, their relationships, we will not see churches reaching their full potential.

Ask yourself if you are the Table Server you should be, the Armor Bearer you should be. Ask yourself if your church is not growing because you are not serving in the capacity that God wants you to serve.

I realize we are living in the Laodicean period of the Church. However, it is the lukewarmness of the church people that sickens God (Re. 3:16). No wonder the world is not coming to Jesus. God wants a "church afire."

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